Sunday, October 21, 2007

There a certain interest, and a certain feeling that you get when you go Hunting. Whether your hunting big game or small. Its the all the preparing and the anxiety that goes with it.
Depending on how many days your going out, correlates to how long it takes to get ready. If your going out to get moose, it takes a couple of days to get ready. If your going out on a day hunt, it only would take ten minutes to get ready.
On long trips, we load our boats, with gasoline, food, our clothing, pots and pans, the tent, sleeping bags, and personal belongings. The first night we prepare all our food. We usually bring some home made bread, rice, canned food,(some fruit, beans, corn, hash browns) some juice, Eskimo Ice cream, some cup-o-soups, and the meat we waited until we caught our first game, or fish. The second night, we load everything, and get gasoline at the nearest gas station which is about 7 miles.
On day trips, it doesn't take a lot to get ready. Usually we fill up the gas tank, and grab our weapons. And take a ride into the largest back yard anyone has ever seen. Its all open, no land is marked, no land is designated or owned by anyone. Their is no boundaries. Their is no such thing as trust passing in anyone land.
Whether its going on long hunting trips or day trips, getting ready is just as exciting as the hunt itself. Their is so much anxiety to just getting out their to shoot something. If boredom hit us while waiting for something were hunting for, their is always something else to shoot. Basically anything that moves I have shot, and killed in Alaska.